Fair Handbook
Rules & Regulations 2024
The fair will be open to the public on Friday, August 30; Saturday, August 31; Sunday, September 1; and Monday, September 2, 2024. The gates will be open to visitors during the fair from 7:30 a.m. until after the night fair program. The responsibility of management, administration, general supervision and policing of grounds and exhibits shall be vested in the President and Fair officers. Superintendents may be appointed in the various departments for supervisor assistance. Premium lists and information concerning the fair will be sent upon application to the secretary.
All exhibits must be current year’s work and effort.
The county fair officials and superintendents of concessions will use every precaution to guard against extortion in any form practiced upon the patrons of the fair. A violation of this rule by any concessions will cause the forfeiture of contract, money paid or expulsion from the grounds, as the management or superintendent may direct.
Games of chance and sale of alcoholic liquor are strictly prohibited. Any violation of the rule will be severely dealt with.
Purchasers of privileges must keep their spaces in a sanitary condition by removing therefrom any filth or refuse, and place the same in the garbage can provided by the management where the sanitation department employees may get it with ease.
All delivery trucks or wagons to any concession must make their deliveries as soon as possible and must not block any midway or walks. Any delivery truck desiring to remain on the grounds will be assigned a place by the concession committee or the secretary.
See Entry and Judging Schedule to know when entries must be in place.
Concessions and their help must be neat and tidy in their dress. Persons found working at any privilege not complying with this section may be ordered off the grounds.
The Fair Association shall not be responsible for theft or vandalism. The Fair Association will take every precaution to protect all property.
No dogs allowed on grounds except for show purposes.
No carry-in beer or alcoholic beverages to be brought on grounds.
Advertising Matter
No persons shall be permitted to distribute advertising matter upon the grounds except from their place of business or exhibit. The tacking or posting of any advertisements, bills, cards, etc. other than within the space occupied by the exhibitor is strictly prohibited.
The distribution of handbills, flyers, heralds, etc. will not under any circumstances be permitted. Anyone violating this rule is liable to fine or expulsion from the grounds, as the county fair officials may elect.
No person, persons, firm or corporation shall sell, solicit sales of, offer for sale or otherwise dispose of stocks in any corporation, concern or organization of any name or character, upon the county fairgrounds.
Premium List
Exhibitors must be legal residents of Calumet County, or belong to an organization or club within the county. If an exhibitor is not a resident of Calumet County, or does not belong to an organization or club within the county, they may exhibit in open class only.
No animal or other article can be entered in the name of other than the bona fide owner or owners and in the case of farm products, vegetables, grains, fruits and other crops, such crops must have been produced by the one who enters them. Any violation of this rule will forfeit any premium awarded to such exhibitor. When there is but one exhibitor or herd competing for premiums in any class, the judge may recommend no premium, first or second premium as merit warrants. Persons entering articles or animals for premiums must purchase exhibitor’s tickets at the time of making entry.
Entries must specify owner’s name, the post office address, and in case of animals, the name, sex, breed and description with registry number of book record, ear tag or tattoo number, birth date and name of sire. No animal or article can be entered in the name of other than the bona fide owner or owners and a violation of this rule will forfeit any premium to such exhibitor.
No animal or article shall compete for more than one premium. (Except as part of a herd, collection, sweepstakes or special premium.) All pure-bred stock must be registered in American Registry, if such has been established, and certificates of registry or evidence of pure breeding will in all cases be required before examination in show ring.
A blue ribbon or card denotes first premium; red ribbon or card, second premium; white ribbon or card, third premium; pink ribbon or card, fourth premium; yellow ribbon or card, fifth premium, for all champions or sweepstakes, royal blue will be used, but premiums will be paid in accordance to the listing in the judge’s book.
Judges’ Duties
Names of judges of the several departments will be published in the premium list if possible. No exhibitor shall act as judge in the department in which he exhibits.
Any exhibitor attempting to influence the judge in his work, in any manner shall forfeit all premiums awarded and will be excluded from further competition.
When the exhibits are not deemed worthy, the judges will refuse to award a premium whether there be competition or not.
When respectfully requested, the judges are expected to give reason for their decision; stating what constitutes special points or excellence in the class of animals or articles being considered, and pointing out the superiority of one over another.
Judges will make their report of awards to the superintendents in charge properly signed without delay after awards are made.
Premiums will be paid as soon as possible by drafts sent by the Secretary to the post office address of exhibitor. Please do not delay the work of the Secretary’s office with inquires as to when premiums will be paid. However, if draft is not received within 90 days after the fair, please notify the Secretary.
No state aid will be paid on out-of-state exhibits.
In the Junior Department, state aid will be paid only on exhibits of standard club projects.
Admission to Grounds
Patrons in carriages or automobiles will pay admission to authorized collectors at the gate. All admission will be by ticket only. Ticket officers will be established at convenient points near the main entrance.
(Section 4571 of Wisconsin Statutes of 1917. “Any person who shall willfully and without right enter any agricultural or industrial fair grounds which are duly enclosed by a fence not less than six feet high, during any fair or exposition, by climbing over or passing through or under such fence, or by using the ticket or badge of some other person or in any way shall be punished by a fine not exceeding fifty dollars.”)
Governing Exhibitors
Exhibitors of livestock must report to the superintendent in charge at 8 o’clock a.m. for orders. They must inform themselves when their stock will be judged. Stock must be in show ring promptly upon call, and a failure to comply with the order renders exhibitor liable to be ruled out from competing.
Exhibitors must personally attend to deliver of articles for exhibition to superintendent of department and in cases to the affixing of cards; and must claim their property at close of fair.
Exhibitors of livestock are required to display over each stall or pen occupied by their stock a printed placard containing name, breed and age of animal, with registry number and the number and address of owner.
Each animal shall be exhibited to the entire satisfaction of the judge. No person shall be allowed in the ring while stock is being judged, except judge, officers of the fair and necessary attendants.
Cattle can enter only under halter and in charge of groom, and sheep and swine in charge of attendants. Exhibitors are responsible for accidents caused by their entries.
Persons entering purebred animals will be required to furnish name and registry number of animal together with ear tag number and health certificate to Secretary at the time of making entry and pedigree to superintendent in charge when animal exhibited is required.
County Fair officials will take every precaution in their power for the safety of stock or other exhibits while on the grounds, but will not be responsible for loss or damage that may occur.
An exhibitor or his agent who shall show any disrespect or use any disrespectful language to any judge while in the performance of his duty shall forfeit awards that may have been made to him, and be barred from further exhibits in the show ring during the fair. Should any premiums be found to have been obtained by false evidence or misrepresentation or violation of any rule of the County Fair, such money will be withheld.
All ribbons or premium cards shall be attached by the judges or superintendents as soon as award is made, and in livestock classes, before animals leave the ring.
All prize animals that can be led, driven or will follow the dams must appear in the Grand Parade when so directed, or forfeit premiums awarded.
The County Fair officials reserve the full and absolute right to interpret the foregoing rules and regulations, and arbitrarily to settle and determine matters, questions of difference in regard thereto, or otherwise arising out of or connected with, or incident to the fair.
Entries are due July 31, of the exhibit year. Online entries preferred. https://www.calumetcountyfair.com/
Regulations for State and County & District Fairs
ATCP 160.01 DEFINITIONS. As used in this chapter:
- “Division” means a grouping in which exhibits may be entered, including an animal breed or age group for animal exhibits; a type of produce, crop or food; or a specific age, age group or educational grade level or exhibitor.
- “Department” as it relates to the organizational structure of the fair, means an animal species, production group, or other principal classification of exhibits. As used in any other context, “department” means the state of Wisconsin department of agriculture, trade and consumer protection.
- “Division” also means one of three exhibitor group classification for a fair and is limited to junior division, open division or senior citizen division.
- “Class” or “class number” means the numerical designation assigned by a local fair for a specific category of exhibits within a class.
- “Premium” means a monetary prize that a county or district fair awards to an exhibitor after judging all competing exhibits in the class to which the premium pertains.
- GENERAL. (a). The state aid authorized by s. 93.23(1) Stats. may be paid only on net premiums, which consist of total premiums paid less total entry fees received. The department may withhold state premium aid from any fair which does not enforce the animal health provisions required under ch. ATCP 10 for all classes of livestock exhibited at the fair. State aid will be paid only on premiums actually paid by bank check or draft.
(b) No deductions may be made from premium money won by an exhibitor.Premiums may, however, be withheld where exhibition rules established by the fair association are violated. A written statement of violation shall be submitted to the department to justify action taken by a local fair.
(c) Premiums offered shall be definite in amount. No decrease or increase in published premiums may be made because of the financial condition or the organization or for any other reason.
(d) State aid may be paid on no more than 2 premiums awarded an exhibitor under one premium or lot number in open division individual livestock classes except poultry and rabbits, and no more than one premium in all other classes, including poultry and rabbits.
(e) No county or district fair may receive state aid for a premium awarded to any exhibitor in the open division if that exhibitor entered the same exhibit in the junior division at the same county or district fair. This paragraph does not apply if the exhibit was entered in the junior division only as part of a herd group, carcass class or performance class.
(f ) No state aid will be paid on the cost of ribbons, cups, trophy prizes or entertainment contests. - PREMIUM LISTS. (a) Premiums for which state aid is requested by county and district fair shall conform with the uniform premium list and other requirements set forth in these rules. Fairs requesting state aid for net premiums shall submit to the department a printed copy of the premium list used at the fair, as requested under s. ATCP 160.92 (3).
(b) The officers of each fair shall mail a copy of the premium list to other associations, societies, or boards conducting a fair in Wisconsin upon request.
(c) Sections ATCP 160.01 through 160.07 and 160.91 shall be published in premium books used by a fair for which state aid is requested. - ENTRY FEES. (a) A county or district fair may charge an exhibitor an entry fee. The entry fee may not exceed 10% of the sum of all premiums offered to exhibitors in the same class for which the entry fee is charged. In lieu of an entry fee, a county or district fair may charge stall rents for horses, cattle, sheep, goats, swine, poultry, rabbits or pets.
(b) Exhibitors in educational and school departments shall not be required to purchase an exhibitor’s ticket. Any other exhibitor may be required, if no entry fee is charged, to purchase an exhibitor’s season ticket at a price not to exceed that charged for a non-exhibitor’s season ticket. - SPLIT FAIR DATES:
(a) For purposes of this subsection, "split fair dates" occur when a fair organization judges exhibits or contests and pays premiums at more than one time or at more than one location during the calendar year.
(b) Except as provided under par. (c), the department may not pay state aid for afair having split dates unless the department gives advance written approval for a split fair. The department may approve split fair dates only if the fair organization justifies the split dates based on extreme hardship. If the department approves split dates, all blue ribbon winners shall repeat their demonstrations or exhibits at the regular fair dates unless the department grants a hardship exemption. An exhibitor may use audio-visual media, still photography or an educational display to repeat a demonstration or exhibit.
(c) The department may pay state aid for the following exhibits or contests in a fair having split dates, regardless of whether the department approves those split dates in advance: 1. Clothing revue. 2. Demonstrations. 3. Favorite foods revue. 4. Dogs. 5. Small animals. 6. Rocketry. 7. Shooting sports. 8. Other exhibits and contests that are similar to those identified in subds. 1. to 7.
A county or district fair shall meet all of the exhibition requirements of this section to be eligible for state premium aid.
- No fair society or other organization sponsoring a county or district fair shall require an exhibitor to become a member of the organization in order to enter an exhibit at the fair, nor shall the sponsoring organization make any deduction from an exhibitor’s premium as a donation to the fair society or require an exhibitor in any way to make donation to the society.
- State aid may not be approved for out-of-state exhibits or for separate classes of local and non-local exhibitors. Aid may not be approved for payment of premiums to an exhibitor having an out-of-state address but claiming Wisconsin residency unless the fair secretary provides the department with an affidavit that the exhibitor’s residence is geographically located within the state.
- State aid may be paid only on articles or animals actually on display in an exhibit building or actually shown on the show ring on regular fair dates unless approval for split fair dates is obtained under s. ATCP 160.02 (4). State aid may not be paid on Dairy Herd Improvement Association records, transportation aid, production contests or other special educational exhibits unless prior approval is obtained under s.ATCP 160.04 (8).
- State aid may not be paid on exhibits removed from the fairgrounds before 4 p.m. on the last day of the fair, or such other later time as may be specified by the fair, without prior approval of the department. Authority for earlier removal may be granted by the department in case of meat animal sales or other special cases, if requested before the beginning of the fair. In other hardship cases, approval may be granted by the local fair. Exhibits in dog obedience and small animal pet classes may be judged during the regular fair but are not required to remain present during the entire fair. The local fair may prescribe the length of time junior fair exhibitors or horses shall keep their animals on the grounds.
- In the junior fair division, the department may pay state aid on prizes offered to exhibitors who are under 20 years of age on January 1 of the current fair year. A county or district fair board may establish subgroups within a junior fair entry class based on the exhibitor's grade in school. The department may not pay state aid on prizes for club parades, club floats, song contests, or a project which is not an exhibit or demonstration at the fair.
- All exhibitors in the junior fair division shall be members of 4-H, FFA, a scouting program, a breed group, or another recognized youth organization under adult leadership that has an education program appropriate to that organization and is approved by the fair board.
- Exhibits in the junior fair shall be the product of the exhibitor's own labor. An exhibit may include a study project, merit project or other special project, a skill area, or a supervised occupational experience in which the exhibitor is regularly enrolled, provided that the fair board approves the project, skill area, or supervised occupational experience as an exhibit.
- State aid may be used for the payment of no more than one premium awarded an exhibitor under any one premium or class number in the junior fair division, except when awarded as part of a group in livestock exhibitors in showmanship.
- Under subch. IV, within each of the junior fair departments 9, 10, 13 to 16, 18, and 20 to 29, a fair board may establish one or more entry classes for self-determined projects that are related to that department. The fair board may establish class entry criteria, including student grade level criteria. Entry classes are open to 4-H members enrolled in a designated 4-H project or an alternative project that follows 4-H project guidelines, and to members of other youth organizations that do equivalent work and apply equivalent guidelines. Exhibits may be judged using the regular or Danish judging system. For each entry class, a fair board may pay first-place to fourth-place premiums at any of the levels designated by the board.
- If 16 or more animals, items or articles are entered in any junior fair class, the class may be divided into 2 or more approximately equal groups according to weight, age or other identifying characteristics and each group judged as a class.
- Special educational exhibits may be established if the proposal is presented to the Wisconsin association of fairs before October 1 of the year preceding its proposed establishment and the exhibit is approved by the department.
- Within any junior fair department under subch. IV, a county or district fair may establish special classes where none are specified under subch. IV. Special classes may include classes for grade and crossbred females in the beef, swine, sheep and horse departments. Premiums for special classes created under this subsection shall be equal to premiums for comparable classes established in the same department under subch. IV.
- The total maximum premiums set forth for all places in any open division livestock class, excluding poultry and rabbits, may be divided into premiums for a greater number of places, but the maximum premium offered for any additional place shall not be higher than the maximum for last place in the class.
- All animals in any open division class shall be owned by the exhibitor, except as provided in s. ATCP 160.09.
- The age of exhibitors in the senior citizen division is limited to persons 62 years of age or over.
- Exhibitors in the senior citizens division may not enter identical items or articles in both the senior citizens division and in the corresponding classes of the regular open division.
- Classes may be combined if the number of entries in several single classes is insufficient. If any classes are combined, state aid shall be limited to the maximum total premiums listed for a single class or animals, items or articles in the department.
- (a) Except as provided under par. (b), no county or district fair may receive state aid for sexually intact male dairy cattle, beef cattle, sheep, goats, swine or horses unless those animals are registered purebreds. Registered purebred status shall be documented by a certificate of registry from the appropriate breed association or society, or by a copy of the application for registration.
(b) Paragraph (a) does not apply to dairy cattle exhibited at a county or district fair if a national breed association certifies that those dairy cattle are recorded in that breed association’s qualified herd book which records the genealogy of that breed. - Any animal entered as part of a group class may also be exhibited in a class for individual animals.
- Boars may not be entered as an exhibit in the swine department unless their tusks have been removed.
- The age of an animal, for purposes of determining its entry class under this chapter, shall be determined as of the opening day of the fair.
- DAIRY CATTLE. (a) A spring calf is one born on or after Mar. 1 of the exhibit year.
(b) A winter calf is one whose date of birth is between December 1 of the year preceding the exhibit year and February 28 or 29 of the exhibit year.
(c) A fall calf is one whose date of birth is between August 31 and November 30 of the year preceding the exhibit year.
(d) A summer yearling is one whose date of birth is between June 1 and August 31 of the year preceding the exhibit year.
(e) A spring yearling is one whose date of birth is between March 1 and May 31 of the year preceding the exhibit year.
(f ) A winter yearling is one whose date of birth is between December 1 of the second year preceding the exhibit year and February 28 or 29 of the year preceding the exhibit year.
(g) A fall yearling is one whose date of birth is between August 31 and November 30 of the second year preceding the exhibit year.
(h) A 2-year-old is one born between August 31 of the third year preceding the exhibit year and August 31 of the second year preceding the exhibit year. A 2- year-old includes a yearling that has freshened.
(i) A 3-year-old is one whose date of birth is between Aug. 31 of the fourth year preceding the exhibit year and Aug. 31 of the third year preceding the exhibit year.
(j) A 4-year-old is one whose date of birth is between Aug. 31 of the fifth year preceding the exhibit year and Aug. 31 of the fourth year preceding the exhibit year. - BEEF CATTLE. (a) A junior calf is one born on or after January 1 of the exhibit year. The calf shall be at least 4 months old at the time of exhibit.
(b) A senior calf is one whose date of birth is between September 1 and December 31 of the year preceding the exhibit year.
(c) A summer yearling is one whose date of birth is between May 1 and August 31 of the year preceding the exhibit year.
(d) A junior yearling is one whose date of birth is between January 1 and April 30 of the year preceding the exhibit year.
(e) A senior yearling is one whose date of birth is between September 1 and December 31 of the second year preceding the exhibit year.
(f ) A 2-year-old or older cow is one born before September 1 of the second year preceding the exhibit year and which has calved during the past year. - SWINE. (a) A junior yearling boar or sow is one born between January 1 and June 30 of the year preceding the exhibit year.
(b) A senior boar or sow is one whose date of birth is between July 1 and December 31 of the year preceding the exhibit year.
(c) A senior spring boar or sow pig is one whose date of birth is between January 1 and February 28 or 29 of the exhibit year. A local fair board may subdivide this entry class into January-born and February-born sows or boars.
(d) A junior spring boar or sow pig is one born during the month of March of the exhibit year. - SHEEP. (a) A spring lamb is one born on or after February 16 of the exhibit year.
(b) A fall lamb is one born between September 1 and December 31 of the year preceding the exhibit year.
(c) A winter lamb is one born between Jan. 1 and Feb. 15 of the exhibit year.
(d) A yearling ram or ewe is one born outside the date of birth limitations in par. (a) through (c). The age of yearlings may be subject to verification by a veterinarian’s examination whose findings shall be final.
(e) A market lamb is one born after January 1 of the exhibit year.
- Judging shall be done at county and district fairs by individuals who are registered with the department and who have knowledge, training or experience in the specific class or classes to be judged as determined by the department. Judging shall be done in accordance with the requirements of s. ATCP 160.92 (3)
(a) In no case shall any person who is an officer or director of a fair be eligible to judge exhibits at such fair; nor shall any person interested directly or indirectly in exhibits shown in any department of a fair be eligible to judge articles or animals in that department. - Each judge at a county or district fair shall be provided with a copy of the fair’s premium book or list of entry classes at least 7 days prior to the opening date of the fair.
- No animal or article, irrespective of the number of entries in the class in which it is entered, shall be awarded a higher rating than its merit would entitle it to in comparison to the standard of perfection in the class.
- (a) No state aid will be paid on premiums awarded under the Danish system in any classes except in the junior and educational departments.
(b) When classes in the junior and educational departments are judged according to the Danish system, 4 group placings shall be awarded in any class. When there are less than 8 exhibitors in the class, there shall not be more than 2 in the first group, not more than 4 in the first 2 groups and not more than 6 in the first 3 groups. If there are 8 or more entries in the class, there shall not be more than 25% in the first group, not more than 50% in the first 2 groups, and not more than 75% in the first 3 groups.
(c) The number of awards in the last group placing may be increased to the extent necessary to give awards to all exhibitors. - If any class of exhibits at a county or district fair is judged according to the regular system, the judges for that class may give only one first-place, one second-place, one third-place and one fourth-place award in that class.
- General. The local fair board may select one of the plans under sub. (2) as the basis for entries in educational and school exhibits. State premium aid will be paid on either Plan A or Plan B, but not both. All exhibits under either plan shall be judged using the regular or Danish judging system.
- Entry plan requirements.
(b) Plan B. Exhibits under Plan B are individual student entries or group displays in which the group is an entity other than a group representing the entire school. Premiums on individual exhibits shall be paid to the exhibitor. Premiums on group displays may be paid to the teacher or to the school. Exhibits entered under Plan B are subject to the following applicable requirements:
1. The school name, teacher's name, name and address of pupil, and exhibitor's number shall be included on the official entry form.
2. Each pupil shall list all entries on one official entry blank.
3. Group exhibits shall be entered under the name of the school with participating grades listed on the entry.
4. No pupil may enter more than one exhibit in each class.
5. The first digit of the entry number shall designate the grade level for eligible entries in the class.
6. Individual and group exhibits may not be displayed as part of a school exhibit.
7. School work comprising the individual or group exhibit shall be work completed during the current school year.
8. Group displays shall be judged on originality, creativeness, quality, subject material, art media, individual and group work, attractive arrangement, and percentage of pupils participating.
9. Specific classes for individual competition for all grade levels may be selected by the local fair board. Entries for special education students shall be under the Plan B system.
ONLY ENTER ONE EXHIBIT in each prize number.
Duplicate entries will be eliminated.
2024 Calumet County Market Animal Sale
Fair entry and weigh in:
Beef: Thursday, 9:00 am
Swine: Thursday, 11:30 am
Sheep and Market Goats: Thursday, 2:00 pm or immediately after Swine weigh in
Rabbits & Poultry: Thursday, 6:30-8:30 pm
No animals are allowed in the barn pens prior to being weighed in.
Judging: Friday
Judging: Friday Judging Show Order: Swine (8:00 am); Beef (12:00 pm); Sheep (2:30 pm, following the beef show); Market Goats (Following Sheep Market Classes); Poultry: immediately following open class, approximately 1:00 pm
Judging: Saturday - Rabbits (8:30 am)
- Entries open to Junior Fair exhibitors just completing grade 3-12 and one year beyond.
- All exhibitors are required to complete the “Market Animal Drug History Data Sheet” and submit to sale committee at Fair Weigh-In.
- All market animal exhibitors must complete and turn in a market animal project financial record to the Sale Committee. This form must be delivered to the Fair Secretary’s Office by 12:00 noon on Labor Day.
- Youth are expected to attend at least three educational meetings throughout the year. Youth for the Quality Care of Animals (YQCA) is a mandatory meeting; exhibitors must attend this meeting to sell an animal in the market animal sale. Participation in an educational event sponsored for youth such as FFA events, show camps, showing at district, state, or national shows, etc., qualify to replace a “county-sponsored” event. Members may not use more than two of these types of meetings to substitute for attendance at the regular county-advertised meetings. Attending a county market animal sale, watching a breed show or county fair show or attending a “dairy-related meeting” will qualify as a market animal educational meeting. Youth who do not attend at least two meetings will not be allowed to sell an animal in the Market Animal Sale at the Fair. Youth who do not attend three meetings will have $50.00 deducted from their settlement checks after the Fair. It is each individual’s responsibility to present proof of attendance or participation in “out-of-county” events to the Market Animal Sale Committee no later than pen set up (10 days before the fair), using the Calumet County Market Animal Participation Verification Form.
- Youth may not count more than one meeting that does not relate to the species they are exhibiting at the fair.
- Make entries on regular County Fair Entry Blanks under the respective classes.
- No exhibitors will be allowed to wear shorts or “beer shirts” while showing or selling their animal.
- Each exhibitor will be allowed to identify and/or weigh in up to three animals in each species.
- All market animal projects must be raised on the exhibitor’s premises and must be the result of the exhibitor’s labor unless approval is granted by the Market Animal Sale Committee at least 30 days prior to the initial identification/weigh-in for that species.
- An exhibitor may show all four large species (beef, sheep, swine, and market goat), but can only sell one large species. If more than one animal is shown, the exhibitor must, within one hour of the conclusion of the show, inform the Market Animal Sale Committee which animal will be sold. In the event that an exhibitor has exhibited the Champion or Reserve Champion in more than one species, that exhibitor will be allowed to sell more than one animal. An exhibitor may sell one large animal and one small animal (rabbit or poultry).
- All large market animals will be subject to ultrasound scanning and those measurements used to individual’s animals that are eliminated from the sale will be allowed to rescan (at the exhibitor’s discretion). The more advantageous of the two scans will be used to determine sale eligibility. Exhibitors who qualify to have animals rescanned at the fair and elect to do so will be required to pay for the cost of the second scanning.
- Animals will not be allowed to re-weigh.
- Youth who have sold a market animal in another county fair market animal sale within six months of the Calumet County Fair will not be allowed to sell an animal in the Calumet County Market Animal Sale.
- Specific requirements
a. Market Steers/Heifers
All market beef must be identified by submitting a photo with ear tag in the ear and an identification form filled out and sent by May 15th.
•Market beef only (beef, crossbred beef, dairy and dairy cross)
•1000-lb minimum weight for beef and beef cross.
•1100-lb minimum weight for dairy and dairy cross.
•Market beef must grade USDA Prime, Choice, or Select according to ultrasound measurements to be sold in the sale.
•Holstein market beef which grade prime or choice will be sold.
•Holstein market beef will be shown in a separate class from beef and beef cross market beef.
•Any market beef class in which more than nine animals are exhibited will be divided into two classes based on weight.
•Beef animals can only be groomed by the exhibitor, family member, 4-H or FFA advisor from the county.
•Exhibitors will not be paid for that part of the market beef’s weight that exceeds 1600 pounds.
b. Lambs
All lambs must be identified by submitting photo and identification form by May 15 of exhibit year. Wethers and ewes constitute market lambs. Lambs must have at least 44 percent boneless retail cuts according to ultrasound measurements to be sold in the sale.
•90-lb minimum weight at fair time for Cheviot and Southdown breeds
•100-lb minimum weight at fair time for all other breeds.
•Any market class in which more than 9 animals are exhibited will be divided into 2 classes based on weight.
c. Market Barrows/Gilts
All pigs must be identified by submitting photo and identification form by May 15 of exhibit year.
•Only animals that have a minimum weight of 240 pounds will be eligible for the sale. There is no maximum weight.
•Pigs will be divided into classes based on weight.
•Pigs must have at least 48.00 percent muscle according to ultrasound measurement to be sold in the sale.
•Swine exhibitors will not be paid for that part of their hog’s weight that exceeds 300 pounds.
•The on-site vet, judge, or Market Animal Committee can determine that a hog may be eliminated from the market animal show or sale due to excessive bruising and markings. This animal may be removed from the fairgrounds.
ci. Market Goats:
•Market goats must be identified by submitting photo and identification form by May 15 of exhibit year.
•Market goats will show after the market lamb classes.
•Market goats must weigh a minimum of 50 pounds to sell at auction.
•All eligible market goats meeting minimum weight requirements can sell in the auction.
cii. Rabbit and Poultry
•All small market animals (rabbit and poultry) projects must be raised on the exhibitor’s premises and must be the result of the exhibitor’s labor unless approval is granted by the Small Animal Market Animal Committee at least 3 months before the fair.
•Poultry and rabbit exhibitors will need to select their exhibit animals prior to weigh-in at the fair. Extra animals will not be allowed to weigh in.
•An exhibitor may show in all Small Animal Market Classes, but may only sell one animal. If more than one animal is shown, the exhibitor must, within one hour of the conclusion of the show, inform the Market Animal Sale Committee which animal will be sold. In the event that an exhibitor has exhibited the Champion or Reserve Champion in more than one species, that exhibitor will be allowed to sell more than one animal. - The judge will select first, second, third and fourth place champion rankings for each species (Beef, Goat, Hog, Lamb, Poultry, Rabbit & Turkey).
- All Market Animal Exhibitors at the Calumet County Fair are encouraged to reserve a meat processing spot for their animal if they intend to sell at the Market Animal Sale.
- The sale will be conducted under the supervision of the Market Animal Committee. There will be a five (5) percent commission on the gross sale of each animal that will go to the committee to promote and finance the market animal sale, purchase equipment, and conduct overall educational programs.
- Thirty (30) dollars will be deducted from each exhibitor's market animal sale check to cover the cost of a meal ticket for their market animal buyer / supporter.
- Each large animal that meets the minimum weight requirement for that species and is intended for sale at the Calumet County Fair will be subject to a carcass ultrasound. Thus, a scanning fee will be deducted from the exhibitor's sale check and is subject to change based on scanning prices each year.
- Beef and Swine exhibitors will be charged a small check-off fee.
- All market animals will be sold unless the Sale Committee is notified prior to the time the animal enters the sale ring.
- Sale order for beef, sheep, and swine will be determined within species by carcass ranking. The first three animals to sell in each species will be Grand Champion, Reserve Champion, and Bred and Owned Champion.
- Parents will not be allowed to place a bid on their own children’s animals, either on behalf of themselves or on the behalf of another party.
- Exhibitor only must accompany their animal for judging and in the sale ring. Emergency exceptions must be approved by the Market Animal Committee.
- All market animals will remain for the duration of the fair and exhibitors are responsible for the care of animals.
- No hay or bedding may be stored in barns.
- Exhibitors of the first place carcasses will be awarded $25 cash from the Market Animal Committee.
- The Market Animal Sale Committee will not be providing trucking to meat processors after the fair.
- All exhibitors selling in the Market Animal Sale will be required to write a thank-you card addressed to their buyer. This must be turned in to the fair office by 12:00 pm Monday of the fair. If the thank-you card is not turned in, the market animal committee will hold the exhibitor’s sale check until it is completed and turned in to the market animal committee president.
Open & Senior Class 2024
The fair will be open to the public on Friday, August 30; Saturday, August 31; Sunday, September 1; and Monday, September 2, 2024. The gates will be open to visitors during the fair from 7:30 a.m. until after the night fair program. The responsibility of management, administration, general supervision and policing of grounds and exhibits shall be vested in the President and Fair officers. Superintendents may be appointed in the various departments for supervisor assistance. Premium lists and information concerning the fair will be sent upon application to the secretary.
All exhibits must be current year’s work and effort.
The county fair officials and superintendents of concessions will use every precaution to guard against extortion in any form practiced upon the patrons of the fair. A violation of this rule by any concessions will cause the forfeiture of contract, money paid or expulsion from the grounds, as the management or superintendent may direct.
Games of chance and sale of alcoholic liquor are strictly prohibited. Any violation of the rule will be severely dealt with.
Purchasers of privileges must keep their spaces in a sanitary condition by removing therefrom any filth or refuse, and place the same in the garbage can provided by the management where the sanitation department employees may get it with ease.
All delivery trucks or wagons to any concession must make their deliveries as soon as possible and must not block any midway or walks. Any delivery truck desiring to remain on the grounds will be assigned a place by the concession committee or the secretary.
See Entry and Judging Schedule to know when entries must be in place.
Concessions and their help must be neat and tidy in their dress. Persons found working at any privilege not complying with this section may be ordered off the grounds.
The Fair Association shall not be responsible for theft or vandalism. The Fair Association will take every precaution to protect all property.
No dogs allowed on grounds except for show purposes.
No carry-in beer or alcoholic beverages to be brought on grounds.
Advertising Matter
No persons shall be permitted to distribute advertising matter upon the grounds except from their place of business or exhibit. The tacking or posting of any advertisements, bills, cards, etc. other than within the space occupied by the exhibitor is strictly prohibited.
The distribution of handbills, flyers, heralds, etc. will not under any circumstances be permitted. Anyone violating this rule is liable to fine or expulsion from the grounds, as the county fair officials may elect.
No person, persons, firm or corporation shall sell, solicit sales of, offer for sale or otherwise dispose of stocks in any corporation, concern or organization of any name or character, upon the county fairgrounds.
Premium List
Exhibitors must be legal residents of Calumet County, or belong to an organization or club within the county. If an exhibitor is not a resident of Calumet County, or does not belong to an organization or club within the county, they may exhibit in open class only.
No animal or other article can be entered in the name of other than the bona fide owner or owners and in the case of farm products, vegetables, grains, fruits and other crops, such crops must have been produced by the one who enters them. Any violation of this rule will forfeit any premium awarded to such exhibitor. When there is but one exhibitor or herd competing for premiums in any class, the judge may recommend no premium, first or second premium as merit warrants. Persons entering articles or animals for premiums must purchase exhibitor’s tickets at the time of making entry.
Entries must specify owner’s name, the post office address, and in case of animals, the name, sex, breed and description with registry number of book record, ear tag or tattoo number, birth date and name of sire. No animal or article can be entered in the name of other than the bona fide owner or owners and a violation of this rule will forfeit any premium to such exhibitor.
No animal or article shall compete for more than one premium. (Except as part of a herd, collection, sweepstakes or special premium.) All pure-bred stock must be registered in American Registry, if such has been established, and certificates of registry or evidence of pure breeding will in all cases be required before examination in show ring.
A blue ribbon or card denotes first premium; red ribbon or card, second premium; white ribbon or card, third premium; pink ribbon or card, fourth premium; yellow ribbon or card, fifth premium, for all champions or sweepstakes, royal blue will be used, but premiums will be paid in accordance to the listing in the judge’s book.
Judges’ Duties
Names of judges of the several departments will be published in the premium list if possible. No exhibitor shall act as judge in the department in which he exhibits.
Any exhibitor attempting to influence the judge in his work, in any manner shall forfeit all premiums awarded and will be excluded from further competition.
When the exhibits are not deemed worthy, the judges will refuse to award a premium whether there be competition or not.
When respectfully requested, the judges are expected to give reason for their decision; stating what constitutes special points or excellence in the class of animals or articles being considered, and pointing out the superiority of one over another.
Judges will make their report of awards to the superintendents in charge properly signed without delay after awards are made.
Premiums will be paid as soon as possible by drafts sent by the Secretary to the post office address of exhibitor. Please do not delay the work of the Secretary’s office with inquires as to when premiums will be paid. However, if draft is not received within 90 days after the fair, please notify the Secretary.
No state aid will be paid on out-of-state exhibits.
In the Junior Department, state aid will be paid only on exhibits of standard club projects.
Admission to Grounds
Patrons in carriages or automobiles will pay admission to authorized collectors at the gate. All admission will be by ticket only. Ticket officers will be established at convenient points near the main entrance.
(Section 4571 of Wisconsin Statutes of 1917. “Any person who shall willfully and without right enter any agricultural or industrial fair grounds which are duly enclosed by a fence not less than six feet high, during any fair or exposition, by climbing over or passing through or under such fence, or by using the ticket or badge of some other person or in any way shall be punished by a fine not exceeding fifty dollars.”)
Governing Exhibitors
Exhibitors of livestock must report to the superintendent in charge at 8 o’clock a.m. for orders. They must inform themselves when their stock will be judged. Stock must be in show ring promptly upon call, and a failure to comply with the order renders exhibitor liable to be ruled out from competing.
Exhibitors must personally attend to deliver of articles for exhibition to superintendent of department and in cases to the affixing of cards; and must claim their property at close of fair.
Exhibitors of livestock are required to display over each stall or pen occupied by their stock a printed placard containing name, breed and age of animal, with registry number and the number and address of owner.
Each animal shall be exhibited to the entire satisfaction of the judge. No person shall be allowed in the ring while stock is being judged, except judge, officers of the fair and necessary attendants.
Cattle can enter only under halter and in charge of groom, and sheep and swine in charge of attendants. Exhibitors are responsible for accidents caused by their entries.
Persons entering purebred animals will be required to furnish name and registry number of animal together with ear tag number and health certificate to Secretary at the time of making entry and pedigree to superintendent in charge when animal exhibited is required.
County Fair officials will take every precaution in their power for the safety of stock or other exhibits while on the grounds, but will not be responsible for loss or damage that may occur.
An exhibitor or his agent who shall show any disrespect or use any disrespectful language to any judge while in the performance of his duty shall forfeit awards that may have been made to him, and be barred from further exhibits in the show ring during the fair. Should any premiums be found to have been obtained by false evidence or misrepresentation or violation of any rule of the County Fair, such money will be withheld.
All ribbons or premium cards shall be attached by the judges or superintendents as soon as award is made, and in livestock classes, before animals leave the ring.
All prize animals that can be led, driven or will follow the dams must appear in the Grand Parade when so directed, or forfeit premiums awarded.
The County Fair officials reserve the full and absolute right to interpret the foregoing rules and regulations, and arbitrarily to settle and determine matters, questions of difference in regard thereto, or otherwise arising out of or connected with, or incident to the fair.
Entries are due July 31, of the exhibit year. Online entries preferred. https://www.calumetcountyfair.com/
Regulations for State and County & District Fairs
ATCP 160.01 DEFINITIONS. As used in this chapter:
- “Division” means a grouping in which exhibits may be entered, including an animal breed or age group for animal exhibits; a type of produce, crop or food; or a specific age, age group or educational grade level or exhibitor.
- “Department” as it relates to the organizational structure of the fair, means an animal species, production group, or other principal classification of exhibits. As used in any other context, “department” means the state of Wisconsin department of agriculture, trade and consumer protection.
- “Division” also means one of three exhibitor group classification for a fair and is limited to junior division, open division or senior citizen division.
- “Class” or “class number” means the numerical designation assigned by a local fair for a specific category of exhibits within a class.
- “Premium” means a monetary prize that a county or district fair awards to an exhibitor after judging all competing exhibits in the class to which the premium pertains.
- GENERAL. (a). The state aid authorized by s. 93.23(1) Stats. may be paid only on net premiums, which consist of total premiums paid less total entry fees received. The department may withhold state premium aid from any fair which does not enforce the animal health provisions required under ch. ATCP 10 for all classes of livestock exhibited at the fair. State aid will be paid only on premiums actually paid by bank check or draft.
(b) No deductions may be made from premium money won by an exhibitor.Premiums may, however, be withheld where exhibition rules established by the fair association are violated. A written statement of violation shall be submitted to the department to justify action taken by a local fair.
(c) Premiums offered shall be definite in amount. No decrease or increase in published premiums may be made because of the financial condition or the organization or for any other reason.
(d) State aid may be paid on no more than 2 premiums awarded an exhibitor under one premium or lot number in open division individual livestock classes except poultry and rabbits, and no more than one premium in all other classes, including poultry and rabbits.
(e) No county or district fair may receive state aid for a premium awarded to any exhibitor in the open division if that exhibitor entered the same exhibit in the junior division at the same county or district fair. This paragraph does not apply if the exhibit was entered in the junior division only as part of a herd group, carcass class or performance class.
(f ) No state aid will be paid on the cost of ribbons, cups, trophy prizes or entertainment contests. - PREMIUM LISTS. (a) Premiums for which state aid is requested by county and district fair shall conform with the uniform premium list and other requirements set forth in these rules. Fairs requesting state aid for net premiums shall submit to the department a printed copy of the premium list used at the fair, as requested under s. ATCP 160.92 (3).
(b) The officers of each fair shall mail a copy of the premium list to other associations, societies, or boards conducting a fair in Wisconsin upon request.
(c) Sections ATCP 160.01 through 160.07 and 160.91 shall be published in premium books used by a fair for which state aid is requested. - ENTRY FEES. (a) A county or district fair may charge an exhibitor an entry fee. The entry fee may not exceed 10% of the sum of all premiums offered to exhibitors in the same class for which the entry fee is charged. In lieu of an entry fee, a county or district fair may charge stall rents for horses, cattle, sheep, goats, swine, poultry, rabbits or pets.
(b) Exhibitors in educational and school departments shall not be required to purchase an exhibitor’s ticket. Any other exhibitor may be required, if no entry fee is charged, to purchase an exhibitor’s season ticket at a price not to exceed that charged for a non-exhibitor’s season ticket. - SPLIT FAIR DATES:
(a) For purposes of this subsection, "split fair dates" occur when a fair organization judges exhibits or contests and pays premiums at more than one time or at more than one location during the calendar year.
(b) Except as provided under par. (c), the department may not pay state aid for afair having split dates unless the department gives advance written approval for a split fair. The department may approve split fair dates only if the fair organization justifies the split dates based on extreme hardship. If the department approves split dates, all blue ribbon winners shall repeat their demonstrations or exhibits at the regular fair dates unless the department grants a hardship exemption. An exhibitor may use audio-visual media, still photography or an educational display to repeat a demonstration or exhibit.
(c) The department may pay state aid for the following exhibits or contests in a fair having split dates, regardless of whether the department approves those split dates in advance: 1. Clothing revue. 2. Demonstrations. 3. Favorite foods revue. 4. Dogs. 5. Small animals. 6. Rocketry. 7. Shooting sports. 8. Other exhibits and contests that are similar to those identified in subds. 1. to 7.
A county or district fair shall meet all of the exhibition requirements of this section to be eligible for state premium aid.
- No fair society or other organization sponsoring a county or district fair shall require an exhibitor to become a member of the organization in order to enter an exhibit at the fair, nor shall the sponsoring organization make any deduction from an exhibitor’s premium as a donation to the fair society or require an exhibitor in any way to make donation to the society.
- State aid may not be approved for out-of-state exhibits or for separate classes of local and non-local exhibitors. Aid may not be approved for payment of premiums to an exhibitor having an out-of-state address but claiming Wisconsin residency unless the fair secretary provides the department with an affidavit that the exhibitor’s residence is geographically located within the state.
- State aid may be paid only on articles or animals actually on display in an exhibit building or actually shown on the show ring on regular fair dates unless approval for split fair dates is obtained under s. ATCP 160.02 (4). State aid may not be paid on Dairy Herd Improvement Association records, transportation aid, production contests or other special educational exhibits unless prior approval is obtained under s.ATCP 160.04 (8).
- State aid may not be paid on exhibits removed from the fairgrounds before 4 p.m. on the last day of the fair, or such other later time as may be specified by the fair, without prior approval of the department. Authority for earlier removal may be granted by the department in case of meat animal sales or other special cases, if requested before the beginning of the fair. In other hardship cases, approval may be granted by the local fair. Exhibits in dog obedience and small animal pet classes may be judged during the regular fair but are not required to remain present during the entire fair. The local fair may prescribe the length of time junior fair exhibitors or horses shall keep their animals on the grounds.
- In the junior fair division, the department may pay state aid on prizes offered to exhibitors who are under 20 years of age on January 1 of the current fair year. A county or district fair board may establish subgroups within a junior fair entry class based on the exhibitor's grade in school. The department may not pay state aid on prizes for club parades, club floats, song contests, or a project which is not an exhibit or demonstration at the fair.
- All exhibitors in the junior fair division shall be members of 4-H, FFA, a scouting program, a breed group, or another recognized youth organization under adult leadership that has an education program appropriate to that organization and is approved by the fair board.
- Exhibits in the junior fair shall be the product of the exhibitor's own labor. An exhibit may include a study project, merit project or other special project, a skill area, or a supervised occupational experience in which the exhibitor is regularly enrolled, provided that the fair board approves the project, skill area, or supervised occupational experience as an exhibit.
- State aid may be used for the payment of no more than one premium awarded an exhibitor under any one premium or class number in the junior fair division, except when awarded as part of a group in livestock exhibitors in showmanship.
- Under subch. IV, within each of the junior fair departments 9, 10, 13 to 16, 18, and 20 to 29, a fair board may establish one or more entry classes for self-determined projects that are related to that department. The fair board may establish class entry criteria, including student grade level criteria. Entry classes are open to 4-H members enrolled in a designated 4-H project or an alternative project that follows 4-H project guidelines, and to members of other youth organizations that do equivalent work and apply equivalent guidelines. Exhibits may be judged using the regular or Danish judging system. For each entry class, a fair board may pay first-place to fourth-place premiums at any of the levels designated by the board.
- If 16 or more animals, items or articles are entered in any junior fair class, the class may be divided into 2 or more approximately equal groups according to weight, age or other identifying characteristics and each group judged as a class.
- Special educational exhibits may be established if the proposal is presented to the Wisconsin association of fairs before October 1 of the year preceding its proposed establishment and the exhibit is approved by the department.
- Within any junior fair department under subch. IV, a county or district fair may establish special classes where none are specified under subch. IV. Special classes may include classes for grade and crossbred females in the beef, swine, sheep and horse departments. Premiums for special classes created under this subsection shall be equal to premiums for comparable classes established in the same department under subch. IV.
- The total maximum premiums set forth for all places in any open division livestock class, excluding poultry and rabbits, may be divided into premiums for a greater number of places, but the maximum premium offered for any additional place shall not be higher than the maximum for last place in the class.
- All animals in any open division class shall be owned by the exhibitor, except as provided in s. ATCP 160.09.
- The age of exhibitors in the senior citizen division is limited to persons 62 years of age or over.
- Exhibitors in the senior citizens division may not enter identical items or articles in both the senior citizens division and in the corresponding classes of the regular open division.
- Classes may be combined if the number of entries in several single classes is insufficient. If any classes are combined, state aid shall be limited to the maximum total premiums listed for a single class or animals, items or articles in the department.
- (a) Except as provided under par. (b), no county or district fair may receive state aid for sexually intact male dairy cattle, beef cattle, sheep, goats, swine or horses unless those animals are registered purebreds. Registered purebred status shall be documented by a certificate of registry from the appropriate breed association or society, or by a copy of the application for registration.
(b) Paragraph (a) does not apply to dairy cattle exhibited at a county or district fair if a national breed association certifies that those dairy cattle are recorded in that breed association’s qualified herd book which records the genealogy of that breed. - Any animal entered as part of a group class may also be exhibited in a class for individual animals.
- Boars may not be entered as an exhibit in the swine department unless their tusks have been removed.
- The age of an animal, for purposes of determining its entry class under this chapter, shall be determined as of the opening day of the fair.
- DAIRY CATTLE. (a) A spring calf is one born on or after Mar. 1 of the exhibit year.
(b) A winter calf is one whose date of birth is between December 1 of the year preceding the exhibit year and February 28 or 29 of the exhibit year.
(c) A fall calf is one whose date of birth is between August 31 and November 30 of the year preceding the exhibit year.
(d) A summer yearling is one whose date of birth is between June 1 and August 31 of the year preceding the exhibit year.
(e) A spring yearling is one whose date of birth is between March 1 and May 31 of the year preceding the exhibit year.
(f ) A winter yearling is one whose date of birth is between December 1 of the second year preceding the exhibit year and February 28 or 29 of the year preceding the exhibit year.
(g) A fall yearling is one whose date of birth is between August 31 and November 30 of the second year preceding the exhibit year.
(h) A 2-year-old is one born between August 31 of the third year preceding the exhibit year and August 31 of the second year preceding the exhibit year. A 2- year-old includes a yearling that has freshened.
(i) A 3-year-old is one whose date of birth is between Aug. 31 of the fourth year preceding the exhibit year and Aug. 31 of the third year preceding the exhibit year.
(j) A 4-year-old is one whose date of birth is between Aug. 31 of the fifth year preceding the exhibit year and Aug. 31 of the fourth year preceding the exhibit year. - BEEF CATTLE. (a) A junior calf is one born on or after January 1 of the exhibit year. The calf shall be at least 4 months old at the time of exhibit.
(b) A senior calf is one whose date of birth is between September 1 and December 31 of the year preceding the exhibit year.
(c) A summer yearling is one whose date of birth is between May 1 and August 31 of the year preceding the exhibit year.
(d) A junior yearling is one whose date of birth is between January 1 and April 30 of the year preceding the exhibit year.
(e) A senior yearling is one whose date of birth is between September 1 and December 31 of the second year preceding the exhibit year.
(f ) A 2-year-old or older cow is one born before September 1 of the second year preceding the exhibit year and which has calved during the past year. - SWINE. (a) A junior yearling boar or sow is one born between January 1 and June 30 of the year preceding the exhibit year.
(b) A senior boar or sow is one whose date of birth is between July 1 and December 31 of the year preceding the exhibit year.
(c) A senior spring boar or sow pig is one whose date of birth is between January 1 and February 28 or 29 of the exhibit year. A local fair board may subdivide this entry class into January-born and February-born sows or boars.
(d) A junior spring boar or sow pig is one born during the month of March of the exhibit year. - SHEEP. (a) A spring lamb is one born on or after February 16 of the exhibit year.
(b) A fall lamb is one born between September 1 and December 31 of the year preceding the exhibit year.
(c) A winter lamb is one born between Jan. 1 and Feb. 15 of the exhibit year.
(d) A yearling ram or ewe is one born outside the date of birth limitations in par. (a) through (c). The age of yearlings may be subject to verification by a veterinarian’s examination whose findings shall be final.
(e) A market lamb is one born after January 1 of the exhibit year.
- Judging shall be done at county and district fairs by individuals who are registered with the department and who have knowledge, training or experience in the specific class or classes to be judged as determined by the department. Judging shall be done in accordance with the requirements of s. ATCP 160.92 (3)
(a) In no case shall any person who is an officer or director of a fair be eligible to judge exhibits at such fair; nor shall any person interested directly or indirectly in exhibits shown in any department of a fair be eligible to judge articles or animals in that department. - Each judge at a county or district fair shall be provided with a copy of the fair’s premium book or list of entry classes at least 7 days prior to the opening date of the fair.
- No animal or article, irrespective of the number of entries in the class in which it is entered, shall be awarded a higher rating than its merit would entitle it to in comparison to the standard of perfection in the class.
- (a) No state aid will be paid on premiums awarded under the Danish system in any classes except in the junior and educational departments.
(b) When classes in the junior and educational departments are judged according to the Danish system, 4 group placings shall be awarded in any class. When there are less than 8 exhibitors in the class, there shall not be more than 2 in the first group, not more than 4 in the first 2 groups and not more than 6 in the first 3 groups. If there are 8 or more entries in the class, there shall not be more than 25% in the first group, not more than 50% in the first 2 groups, and not more than 75% in the first 3 groups.
(c) The number of awards in the last group placing may be increased to the extent necessary to give awards to all exhibitors. - If any class of exhibits at a county or district fair is judged according to the regular system, the judges for that class may give only one first-place, one second-place, one third-place and one fourth-place award in that class.
- General. The local fair board may select one of the plans under sub. (2) as the basis for entries in educational and school exhibits. State premium aid will be paid on either Plan A or Plan B, but not both. All exhibits under either plan shall be judged using the regular or Danish judging system.
- Entry plan requirements.
(b) Plan B. Exhibits under Plan B are individual student entries or group displays in which the group is an entity other than a group representing the entire school. Premiums on individual exhibits shall be paid to the exhibitor. Premiums on group displays may be paid to the teacher or to the school. Exhibits entered under Plan B are subject to the following applicable requirements:
1. The school name, teacher's name, name and address of pupil, and exhibitor's number shall be included on the official entry form.
2. Each pupil shall list all entries on one official entry blank.
3. Group exhibits shall be entered under the name of the school with participating grades listed on the entry.
4. No pupil may enter more than one exhibit in each class.
5. The first digit of the entry number shall designate the grade level for eligible entries in the class.
6. Individual and group exhibits may not be displayed as part of a school exhibit.
7. School work comprising the individual or group exhibit shall be work completed during the current school year.
8. Group displays shall be judged on originality, creativeness, quality, subject material, art media, individual and group work, attractive arrangement, and percentage of pupils participating.
9. Specific classes for individual competition for all grade levels may be selected by the local fair board. Entries for special education students shall be under the Plan B system.
ONLY ENTER ONE EXHIBIT in each prize number.
Duplicate entries will be eliminated.
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2024 Calumet County Market Animal Sale
Fair entry and weigh in:
Beef: Thursday, 11:00 am
Swine: Thursday, 1:30 pm
Sheep and Market Goats: Thursday, 3:00 pm or immediately after Swine weigh in
Rabbits & Poultry: Thursday, 6:30-8:30 pm
No animals are allowed in the barn pens prior to being weighed in. Judging: Friday Judging: Friday Judging
Show Order: Swine (8:00 am); Beef (12:00 pm); Sheep (2:30 pm, following the beef show); Market Goats (Following Sheep Market Classes); Poultry: immediately following open class, approximately 1:00 pm Judging: Saturday - Rabbits (8:30 am)
- Entries open to Junior Fair exhibitors just completing grade 3-12 and one year beyond.
- All exhibitors are required to complete the “Market Animal Drug History Data Sheet” and submit to sale committee at Fair Weigh-In.
- All market animal exhibitors must complete and turn in a market animal project financial record to the Sale Committee. This form must be delivered to the Fair Secretary’s Office by 12:00 noon on Labor Day.
- Youth are expected to attend at least three educational meetings throughout the year. Youth for the Quality Care of Animals (YQCA) is a mandatory meeting; exhibitors must attend this meeting to sell an animal in the market animal sale. Participation in an educational event sponsored for youth such as FFA events, show camps, showing at district, state, or national shows, etc., qualify to replace a “county-sponsored” event. Members may not use more than two of these types of meetings to substitute for attendance at the regular county-advertised meetings. Attending a county market animal sale, watching a breed show or county fair show or attending a “dairy-related meeting” will qualify as a market animal educational meeting. Youth who do not attend at least two meetings will not be allowed to sell an animal in the Market Animal Sale at the Fair. Youth who do not attend three meetings will have $50.00 deducted from their settlement checks after the Fair. It is each individual’s responsibility to present proof of attendance or participation in “out-of-county” events to the Market Animal Sale Committee no later than pen set up (10 days before the fair), using the Calumet County Market Animal Participation Verification Form.
- Youth may not count more than one meeting that does not relate to the species they are exhibiting at the fair.
- Make entries on regular County Fair Entry Blanks under the respective classes.
- No exhibitors will be allowed to wear shorts or “beer shirts” while showing or selling their animal.
- Each exhibitor will be allowed to identify and/or weigh in up to three animals in each species.
- All market animal projects must be raised on the exhibitor’s premises and must be the result of the exhibitor’s labor unless approval is granted by the Market Animal Sale Committee at least 30 days prior to the initial identification/weigh-in for that species.
- An exhibitor may show all four large species (beef, sheep, swine, and market goat), but can only sell one large species. If more than one animal is shown, the exhibitor must, within one hour of the conclusion of the show, inform the Market Animal Sale Committee which animal will be sold. In the event that an exhibitor has exhibited the Champion or Reserve Champion in more than one species, that exhibitor will be allowed to sell more than one animal. An exhibitor may sell one large animal and one small animal (rabbit or poultry).
- All large market animals will be subject to ultrasound scanning and those measurements used to individual’s animals that are eliminated from the sale will be allowed to rescan (at the exhibitor’s discretion). The more advantageous of the two scans will be used to determine sale eligibility. Exhibitors who qualify to have animals rescanned at the fair and elect to do so will be required to pay for the cost of the second scanning.
- Animals will not be allowed to re-weigh.
- Youth who have sold a market animal in another county fair market animal sale within six months of the Calumet County Fair will not be allowed to sell an animal in the Calumet County Market Animal Sale.
- Specific requirements
a. Market Steers/Heifers
All market beef must be identified by submitting a photo with ear tag in the ear and an identification form filled out and sent by May 15th.
•Market beef only (beef, crossbred beef, dairy and dairy cross)
•1000-lb minimum weight for beef and beef cross.
•1100-lb minimum weight for dairy and dairy cross.
•Market beef must grade USDA Prime, Choice, or Select according to ultrasound measurements to be sold in the sale.
•Holstein market beef which grade prime or choice will be sold.
•Holstein market beef will be shown in a separate class from beef and beef cross market beef.
•Any market beef class in which more than nine animals are exhibited will be divided into two classes based on weight.
•Beef animals can only be groomed by the exhibitor, family member, 4-H or FFA advisor from the county.
•Exhibitors will not be paid for that part of the market beef’s weight that exceeds 1600 pounds.
b. Lambs
All lambs must be identified by submitting photo and identification form by May 15 of exhibit year. Wethers and ewes constitute market lambs. Lambs must have at least 44 percent boneless retail cuts according to ultrasound measurements to be sold in the sale.
•90-lb minimum weight at fair time for Cheviot and Southdown breeds
•100-lb minimum weight at fair time for all other breeds.
•Any market class in which more than 9 animals are exhibited will be divided into 2 classes based on weight.
c. Market Barrows/Gilts
All pigs must be identified by submitting photo and identification form by May 15 of exhibit year.
•Only animals that have a minimum weight of 240 pounds will be eligible for the sale. There is no maximum weight.
•Pigs will be divided into classes based on weight.
•Pigs must have at least 48.00 percent muscle according to ultrasound measurement to be sold in the sale.
•Swine exhibitors will not be paid for that part of their hog’s weight that exceeds 300 pounds.
•The on-site vet, judge, or Market Animal Committee can determine that a hog may be eliminated from the market animal show or sale due to excessive bruising and markings. This animal may be removed from the fairgrounds.
ci. Market Goats:
•Market goats must be identified by submitting photo and identification form by May 15 of exhibit year.
•Market goats will show after the market lamb classes.•Market goats must weigh a minimum of 50 pounds to sell at auction.
•All eligible market goats meeting minimum weight requirements can sell in the auction.
cii. Rabbit and Poultry
•All small market animals (rabbit and poultry) projects must be raised on the exhibitor’s premises and must be the result of the exhibitor’s labor unless approval is granted by the Small Animal Market Animal Committee at least 3 months before the fair.
•Poultry and rabbit exhibitors will need to select their exhibit animals prior to weigh-in at the fair. Extra animals will not be allowed to weigh in.
•An exhibitor may show in all Small Animal Market Classes, but may only sell one animal. If more than one animal is shown, the exhibitor must, within one hour of the conclusion of the show, inform the Market Animal Sale Committee which animal will be sold. In the event that an exhibitor has exhibited the Champion or Reserve Champion in more than one species, that exhibitor will be allowed to sell more than one animal. - The judge will select first, second, third and fourth place champion rankings for each species (Beef, Goat, Hog, Lamb, Poultry, Rabbit & Turkey).
- All Market Animal Exhibitors at the Calumet County Fair are encouraged to reserve a meat processing spot for their animal if they intend to sell at the Market Animal Sale.
- The sale will be conducted under the supervision of the Market Animal Sale Committee. There will be a five (5) percent commission on the gross sale of each animal plus $10.00 deducted from the selling price of each animal to promote and finance the meat animal sale, purchase equipment, and conduct overall educational programs.
- All market animals will be sold unless the Sale Committee is notified prior to the time the animal enters the sale ring.
- Sale order for beef, sheep, and swine will be determined within species by carcass ranking. The first three animals to sell in each species will be Grand Champion, Reserve Champion, and Bred and Owned Champion.
- Parents will not be allowed to place a bid on their own children’s animals, either on behalf of themselves or on the behalf of another party.
- Exhibitor only must accompany their animal for judging and in the sale ring. Emergency exceptions must be approved by the Market Animal Committee.
- All market animals will remain for the duration of the fair and exhibitors are responsible for the care of animals.
- No hay or bedding may be stored in barns.
- Exhibitors of the first place carcasses will be awarded $25 cash from the Market Animal Committee.
- The Market Animal Sale Committee will not be providing trucking to meat processors after the fair.
- All exhibitors selling in the Market Animal Sale will be required to write a thank-you card addressed to their buyer. This must be turned in to the fair office by 12:00 pm Monday of the fair. If the thank-you card is not turned in, the market animal committee will hold the exhibitor’s sale check until it is completed and turned in to the market animal committee president.
Junior Class 2024
The fair will be open to the public on Friday, August 30; Saturday, August 31; Sunday, September 1; and Monday, September 2, 2024. The gates will be open to visitors during the fair from 7:30 a.m. until after the night fair program. The responsibility of management, administration, general supervision and policing of grounds and exhibits shall be vested in the President and Fair officers. Superintendents may be appointed in the various departments for supervisor assistance. Premium lists and information concerning the fair will be sent upon application to the secretary.
All exhibits must be current year’s work and effort.
The county fair officials and superintendents of concessions will use every precaution to guard against extortion in any form practiced upon the patrons of the fair. A violation of this rule by any concessions will cause the forfeiture of contract, money paid or expulsion from the grounds, as the management or superintendent may direct.
Games of chance and sale of alcoholic liquor are strictly prohibited. Any violation of the rule will be severely dealt with.
Purchasers of privileges must keep their spaces in a sanitary condition by removing therefrom any filth or refuse, and place the same in the garbage can provided by the management where the sanitation department employees may get it with ease.
All delivery trucks or wagons to any concession must make their deliveries as soon as possible and must not block any midway or walks. Any delivery truck desiring to remain on the grounds will be assigned a place by the concession committee or the secretary.
See Entry and Judging Schedule to know when entries must be in place.
Concessions and their help must be neat and tidy in their dress. Persons found working at any privilege not complying with this section may be ordered off the grounds.
The Fair Association shall not be responsible for theft or vandalism. The Fair Association will take every precaution to protect all property.
No dogs allowed on grounds except for show purposes.
No carry-in beer or alcoholic beverages to be brought on grounds.
Advertising Matter
No persons shall be permitted to distribute advertising matter upon the grounds except from their place of business or exhibit. The tacking or posting of any advertisements, bills, cards, etc. other than within the space occupied by the exhibitor is strictly prohibited.
The distribution of handbills, flyers, heralds, etc. will not under any circumstances be permitted. Anyone violating this rule is liable to fine or expulsion from the grounds, as the county fair officials may elect.
No person, persons, firm or corporation shall sell, solicit sales of, offer for sale or otherwise dispose of stocks in any corporation, concern or organization of any name or character, upon the county fairgrounds.
Premium List
Exhibitors must be legal residents of Calumet County, or belong to an organization or club within the county. If an exhibitor is not a resident of Calumet County, or does not belong to an organization or club within the county, they may exhibit in open class only.
No animal or other article can be entered in the name of other than the bona fide owner or owners and in the case of farm products, vegetables, grains, fruits and other crops, such crops must have been produced by the one who enters them. Any violation of this rule will forfeit any premium awarded to such exhibitor. When there is but one exhibitor or herd competing for premiums in any class, the judge may recommend no premium, first or second premium as merit warrants. Persons entering articles or animals for premiums must purchase exhibitor’s tickets at the time of making entry.
Entries must specify owner’s name, the post office address, and in case of animals, the name, sex, breed and description with registry number of book record, ear tag or tattoo number, birth date and name of sire. No animal or article can be entered in the name of other than the bona fide owner or owners and a violation of this rule will forfeit any premium to such exhibitor.
No animal or article shall compete for more than one premium. (Except as part of a herd, collection, sweepstakes or special premium.) All pure-bred stock must be registered in American Registry, if such has been established, and certificates of registry or evidence of pure breeding will in all cases be required before examination in show ring.
A blue ribbon or card denotes first premium; red ribbon or card, second premium; white ribbon or card, third premium; pink ribbon or card, fourth premium; yellow ribbon or card, fifth premium, for all champions or sweepstakes, royal blue will be used, but premiums will be paid in accordance to the listing in the judge’s book.
Judges’ Duties
Names of judges of the several departments will be published in the premium list if possible. No exhibitor shall act as judge in the department in which he exhibits.
Any exhibitor attempting to influence the judge in his work, in any manner shall forfeit all premiums awarded and will be excluded from further competition.
When the exhibits are not deemed worthy, the judges will refuse to award a premium whether there be competition or not.
When respectfully requested, the judges are expected to give reason for their decision; stating what constitutes special points or excellence in the class of animals or articles being considered, and pointing out the superiority of one over another.
Judges will make their report of awards to the superintendents in charge properly signed without delay after awards are made.
Premiums will be paid as soon as possible by drafts sent by the Secretary to the post office address of exhibitor. Please do not delay the work of the Secretary’s office with inquires as to when premiums will be paid. However, if draft is not received within 90 days after the fair, please notify the Secretary.
No state aid will be paid on out-of-state exhibits.
In the Junior Department, state aid will be paid only on exhibits of standard club projects.
Admission to Grounds
Patrons in carriages or automobiles will pay admission to authorized collectors at the gate. All admission will be by ticket only. Ticket officers will be established at convenient points near the main entrance.
(Section 4571 of Wisconsin Statutes of 1917. “Any person who shall willfully and without right enter any agricultural or industrial fair grounds which are duly enclosed by a fence not less than six feet high, during any fair or exposition, by climbing over or passing through or under such fence, or by using the ticket or badge of some other person or in any way shall be punished by a fine not exceeding fifty dollars.”)
Governing Exhibitors
Exhibitors of livestock must report to the superintendent in charge at 8 o’clock a.m. for orders. They must inform themselves when their stock will be judged. Stock must be in show ring promptly upon call, and a failure to comply with the order renders exhibitor liable to be ruled out from competing.
Exhibitors must personally attend to deliver of articles for exhibition to superintendent of department and in cases to the affixing of cards; and must claim their property at close of fair.
Exhibitors of livestock are required to display over each stall or pen occupied by their stock a printed placard containing name, breed and age of animal, with registry number and the number and address of owner.
Each animal shall be exhibited to the entire satisfaction of the judge. No person shall be allowed in the ring while stock is being judged, except judge, officers of the fair and necessary attendants.
Cattle can enter only under halter and in charge of groom, and sheep and swine in charge of attendants. Exhibitors are responsible for accidents caused by their entries.
Persons entering purebred animals will be required to furnish name and registry number of animal together with ear tag number and health certificate to Secretary at the time of making entry and pedigree to superintendent in charge when animal exhibited is required.
County Fair officials will take every precaution in their power for the safety of stock or other exhibits while on the grounds, but will not be responsible for loss or damage that may occur.
An exhibitor or his agent who shall show any disrespect or use any disrespectful language to any judge while in the performance of his duty shall forfeit awards that may have been made to him, and be barred from further exhibits in the show ring during the fair. Should any premiums be found to have been obtained by false evidence or misrepresentation or violation of any rule of the County Fair, such money will be withheld.
All ribbons or premium cards shall be attached by the judges or superintendents as soon as award is made, and in livestock classes, before animals leave the ring.
All prize animals that can be led, driven or will follow the dams must appear in the Grand Parade when so directed, or forfeit premiums awarded.
The County Fair officials reserve the full and absolute right to interpret the foregoing rules and regulations, and arbitrarily to settle and determine matters, questions of difference in regard thereto, or otherwise arising out of or connected with, or incident to the fair.
Entries are due July 31, of the exhibit year. Online entries preferred. https://www.calumetcountyfair.com/
Regulations for State and County & District Fairs
ATCP 160.01 DEFINITIONS. As used in this chapter:
- “Division” means a grouping in which exhibits may be entered, including an animal breed or age group for animal exhibits; a type of produce, crop or food; or a specific age, age group or educational grade level or exhibitor.
- “Department” as it relates to the organizational structure of the fair, means an animal species, production group, or other principal classification of exhibits. As used in any other context, “department” means the state of Wisconsin department of agriculture, trade and consumer protection.
- “Division” also means one of three exhibitor group classification for a fair and is limited to junior division, open division or senior citizen division.
- “Class” or “class number” means the numerical designation assigned by a local fair for a specific category of exhibits within a class.
- “Premium” means a monetary prize that a county or district fair awards to an exhibitor after judging all competing exhibits in the class to which the premium pertains.
- GENERAL. (a). The state aid authorized by s. 93.23(1) Stats. may be paid only on net premiums, which consist of total premiums paid less total entry fees received. The department may withhold state premium aid from any fair which does not enforce the animal health provisions required under ch. ATCP 10 for all classes of livestock exhibited at the fair. State aid will be paid only on premiums actually paid by bank check or draft.
(b) No deductions may be made from premium money won by an exhibitor.Premiums may, however, be withheld where exhibition rules established by the fair association are violated. A written statement of violation shall be submitted to the department to justify action taken by a local fair.
(c) Premiums offered shall be definite in amount. No decrease or increase in published premiums may be made because of the financial condition or the organization or for any other reason.
(d) State aid may be paid on no more than 2 premiums awarded an exhibitor under one premium or lot number in open division individual livestock classes except poultry and rabbits, and no more than one premium in all other classes, including poultry and rabbits.
(e) No county or district fair may receive state aid for a premium awarded to any exhibitor in the open division if that exhibitor entered the same exhibit in the junior division at the same county or district fair. This paragraph does not apply if the exhibit was entered in the junior division only as part of a herd group, carcass class or performance class.
(f ) No state aid will be paid on the cost of ribbons, cups, trophy prizes or entertainment contests. - PREMIUM LISTS. (a) Premiums for which state aid is requested by county and district fair shall conform with the uniform premium list and other requirements set forth in these rules. Fairs requesting state aid for net premiums shall submit to the department a printed copy of the premium list used at the fair, as requested under s. ATCP 160.92 (3).
(b) The officers of each fair shall mail a copy of the premium list to other associations, societies, or boards conducting a fair in Wisconsin upon request.
(c) Sections ATCP 160.01 through 160.07 and 160.91 shall be published in premium books used by a fair for which state aid is requested. - ENTRY FEES. (a) A county or district fair may charge an exhibitor an entry fee. The entry fee may not exceed 10% of the sum of all premiums offered to exhibitors in the same class for which the entry fee is charged. In lieu of an entry fee, a county or district fair may charge stall rents for horses, cattle, sheep, goats, swine, poultry, rabbits or pets.
(b) Exhibitors in educational and school departments shall not be required to purchase an exhibitor’s ticket. Any other exhibitor may be required, if no entry fee is charged, to purchase an exhibitor’s season ticket at a price not to exceed that charged for a non-exhibitor’s season ticket. - SPLIT FAIR DATES:
(a) For purposes of this subsection, "split fair dates" occur when a fair organization judges exhibits or contests and pays premiums at more than one time or at more than one location during the calendar year.
(b) Except as provided under par. (c), the department may not pay state aid for afair having split dates unless the department gives advance written approval for a split fair. The department may approve split fair dates only if the fair organization justifies the split dates based on extreme hardship. If the department approves split dates, all blue ribbon winners shall repeat their demonstrations or exhibits at the regular fair dates unless the department grants a hardship exemption. An exhibitor may use audio-visual media, still photography or an educational display to repeat a demonstration or exhibit.
(c) The department may pay state aid for the following exhibits or contests in a fair having split dates, regardless of whether the department approves those split dates in advance: 1. Clothing revue. 2. Demonstrations. 3. Favorite foods revue. 4. Dogs. 5. Small animals. 6. Rocketry. 7. Shooting sports. 8. Other exhibits and contests that are similar to those identified in subds. 1. to 7.
A county or district fair shall meet all of the exhibition requirements of this section to be eligible for state premium aid.
- No fair society or other organization sponsoring a county or district fair shall require an exhibitor to become a member of the organization in order to enter an exhibit at the fair, nor shall the sponsoring organization make any deduction from an exhibitor’s premium as a donation to the fair society or require an exhibitor in any way to make donation to the society.
- State aid may not be approved for out-of-state exhibits or for separate classes of local and non-local exhibitors. Aid may not be approved for payment of premiums to an exhibitor having an out-of-state address but claiming Wisconsin residency unless the fair secretary provides the department with an affidavit that the exhibitor’s residence is geographically located within the state.
- State aid may be paid only on articles or animals actually on display in an exhibit building or actually shown on the show ring on regular fair dates unless approval for split fair dates is obtained under s. ATCP 160.02 (4). State aid may not be paid on Dairy Herd Improvement Association records, transportation aid, production contests or other special educational exhibits unless prior approval is obtained under s.ATCP 160.04 (8).
- State aid may not be paid on exhibits removed from the fairgrounds before 4 p.m. on the last day of the fair, or such other later time as may be specified by the fair, without prior approval of the department. Authority for earlier removal may be granted by the department in case of meat animal sales or other special cases, if requested before the beginning of the fair. In other hardship cases, approval may be granted by the local fair. Exhibits in dog obedience and small animal pet classes may be judged during the regular fair but are not required to remain present during the entire fair. The local fair may prescribe the length of time junior fair exhibitors or horses shall keep their animals on the grounds.
- In the junior fair division, the department may pay state aid on prizes offered to exhibitors who are under 20 years of age on January 1 of the current fair year. A county or district fair board may establish subgroups within a junior fair entry class based on the exhibitor's grade in school. The department may not pay state aid on prizes for club parades, club floats, song contests, or a project which is not an exhibit or demonstration at the fair.
- All exhibitors in the junior fair division shall be members of 4-H, FFA, a scouting program, a breed group, or another recognized youth organization under adult leadership that has an education program appropriate to that organization and is approved by the fair board.
- Exhibits in the junior fair shall be the product of the exhibitor's own labor. An exhibit may include a study project, merit project or other special project, a skill area, or a supervised occupational experience in which the exhibitor is regularly enrolled, provided that the fair board approves the project, skill area, or supervised occupational experience as an exhibit.
- State aid may be used for the payment of no more than one premium awarded an exhibitor under any one premium or class number in the junior fair division, except when awarded as part of a group in livestock exhibitors in showmanship.
- Under subch. IV, within each of the junior fair departments 9, 10, 13 to 16, 18, and 20 to 29, a fair board may establish one or more entry classes for self-determined projects that are related to that department. The fair board may establish class entry criteria, including student grade level criteria. Entry classes are open to 4-H members enrolled in a designated 4-H project or an alternative project that follows 4-H project guidelines, and to members of other youth organizations that do equivalent work and apply equivalent guidelines. Exhibits may be judged using the regular or Danish judging system. For each entry class, a fair board may pay first-place to fourth-place premiums at any of the levels designated by the board.
- If 16 or more animals, items or articles are entered in any junior fair class, the class may be divided into 2 or more approximately equal groups according to weight, age or other identifying characteristics and each group judged as a class.
- Special educational exhibits may be established if the proposal is presented to the Wisconsin association of fairs before October 1 of the year preceding its proposed establishment and the exhibit is approved by the department.
- Within any junior fair department under subch. IV, a county or district fair may establish special classes where none are specified under subch. IV. Special classes may include classes for grade and crossbred females in the beef, swine, sheep and horse departments. Premiums for special classes created under this subsection shall be equal to premiums for comparable classes established in the same department under subch. IV.
- The total maximum premiums set forth for all places in any open division livestock class, excluding poultry and rabbits, may be divided into premiums for a greater number of places, but the maximum premium offered for any additional place shall not be higher than the maximum for last place in the class.
- All animals in any open division class shall be owned by the exhibitor, except as provided in s. ATCP 160.09.
- The age of exhibitors in the senior citizen division is limited to persons 62 years of age or over.
- Exhibitors in the senior citizens division may not enter identical items or articles in both the senior citizens division and in the corresponding classes of the regular open division.
- Classes may be combined if the number of entries in several single classes is insufficient. If any classes are combined, state aid shall be limited to the maximum total premiums listed for a single class or animals, items or articles in the department.
- (a) Except as provided under par. (b), no county or district fair may receive state aid for sexually intact male dairy cattle, beef cattle, sheep, goats, swine or horses unless those animals are registered purebreds. Registered purebred status shall be documented by a certificate of registry from the appropriate breed association or society, or by a copy of the application for registration.
(b) Paragraph (a) does not apply to dairy cattle exhibited at a county or district fair if a national breed association certifies that those dairy cattle are recorded in that breed association’s qualified herd book which records the genealogy of that breed. - Any animal entered as part of a group class may also be exhibited in a class for individual animals.
- Boars may not be entered as an exhibit in the swine department unless their tusks have been removed.
- The age of an animal, for purposes of determining its entry class under this chapter, shall be determined as of the opening day of the fair.
- DAIRY CATTLE. (a) A spring calf is one born on or after Mar. 1 of the exhibit year.
(b) A winter calf is one whose date of birth is between December 1 of the year preceding the exhibit year and February 28 or 29 of the exhibit year.
(c) A fall calf is one whose date of birth is between August 31 and November 30 of the year preceding the exhibit year.
(d) A summer yearling is one whose date of birth is between June 1 and August 31 of the year preceding the exhibit year.
(e) A spring yearling is one whose date of birth is between March 1 and May 31 of the year preceding the exhibit year.
(f ) A winter yearling is one whose date of birth is between December 1 of the second year preceding the exhibit year and February 28 or 29 of the year preceding the exhibit year.
(g) A fall yearling is one whose date of birth is between August 31 and November 30 of the second year preceding the exhibit year.
(h) A 2-year-old is one born between August 31 of the third year preceding the exhibit year and August 31 of the second year preceding the exhibit year. A 2- year-old includes a yearling that has freshened.
(i) A 3-year-old is one whose date of birth is between Aug. 31 of the fourth year preceding the exhibit year and Aug. 31 of the third year preceding the exhibit year.
(j) A 4-year-old is one whose date of birth is between Aug. 31 of the fifth year preceding the exhibit year and Aug. 31 of the fourth year preceding the exhibit year. - BEEF CATTLE. (a) A junior calf is one born on or after January 1 of the exhibit year. The calf shall be at least 4 months old at the time of exhibit.
(b) A senior calf is one whose date of birth is between September 1 and December 31 of the year preceding the exhibit year.
(c) A summer yearling is one whose date of birth is between May 1 and August 31 of the year preceding the exhibit year.
(d) A junior yearling is one whose date of birth is between January 1 and April 30 of the year preceding the exhibit year.
(e) A senior yearling is one whose date of birth is between September 1 and December 31 of the second year preceding the exhibit year.
(f ) A 2-year-old or older cow is one born before September 1 of the second year preceding the exhibit year and which has calved during the past year. - SWINE. (a) A junior yearling boar or sow is one born between January 1 and June 30 of the year preceding the exhibit year.
(b) A senior boar or sow is one whose date of birth is between July 1 and December 31 of the year preceding the exhibit year.
(c) A senior spring boar or sow pig is one whose date of birth is between January 1 and February 28 or 29 of the exhibit year. A local fair board may subdivide this entry class into January-born and February-born sows or boars.
(d) A junior spring boar or sow pig is one born during the month of March of the exhibit year. - SHEEP. (a) A spring lamb is one born on or after February 16 of the exhibit year.
(b) A fall lamb is one born between September 1 and December 31 of the year preceding the exhibit year.
(c) A winter lamb is one born between Jan. 1 and Feb. 15 of the exhibit year.
(d) A yearling ram or ewe is one born outside the date of birth limitations in par. (a) through (c). The age of yearlings may be subject to verification by a veterinarian’s examination whose findings shall be final.
(e) A market lamb is one born after January 1 of the exhibit year.
- Judging shall be done at county and district fairs by individuals who are registered with the department and who have knowledge, training or experience in the specific class or classes to be judged as determined by the department. Judging shall be done in accordance with the requirements of s. ATCP 160.92 (3)
(a) In no case shall any person who is an officer or director of a fair be eligible to judge exhibits at such fair; nor shall any person interested directly or indirectly in exhibits shown in any department of a fair be eligible to judge articles or animals in that department. - Each judge at a county or district fair shall be provided with a copy of the fair’s premium book or list of entry classes at least 7 days prior to the opening date of the fair.
- No animal or article, irrespective of the number of entries in the class in which it is entered, shall be awarded a higher rating than its merit would entitle it to in comparison to the standard of perfection in the class.
- (a) No state aid will be paid on premiums awarded under the Danish system in any classes except in the junior and educational departments.
(b) When classes in the junior and educational departments are judged according to the Danish system, 4 group placings shall be awarded in any class. When there are less than 8 exhibitors in the class, there shall not be more than 2 in the first group, not more than 4 in the first 2 groups and not more than 6 in the first 3 groups. If there are 8 or more entries in the class, there shall not be more than 25% in the first group, not more than 50% in the first 2 groups, and not more than 75% in the first 3 groups.
(c) The number of awards in the last group placing may be increased to the extent necessary to give awards to all exhibitors. - If any class of exhibits at a county or district fair is judged according to the regular system, the judges for that class may give only one first-place, one second-place, one third-place and one fourth-place award in that class.
- General. The local fair board may select one of the plans under sub. (2) as the basis for entries in educational and school exhibits. State premium aid will be paid on either Plan A or Plan B, but not both. All exhibits under either plan shall be judged using the regular or Danish judging system.
- Entry plan requirements.
(b) Plan B. Exhibits under Plan B are individual student entries or group displays in which the group is an entity other than a group representing the entire school. Premiums on individual exhibits shall be paid to the exhibitor. Premiums on group displays may be paid to the teacher or to the school. Exhibits entered under Plan B are subject to the following applicable requirements:
1. The school name, teacher's name, name and address of pupil, and exhibitor's number shall be included on the official entry form.
2. Each pupil shall list all entries on one official entry blank.
3. Group exhibits shall be entered under the name of the school with participating grades listed on the entry.
4. No pupil may enter more than one exhibit in each class.
5. The first digit of the entry number shall designate the grade level for eligible entries in the class.
6. Individual and group exhibits may not be displayed as part of a school exhibit.
7. School work comprising the individual or group exhibit shall be work completed during the current school year.
8. Group displays shall be judged on originality, creativeness, quality, subject material, art media, individual and group work, attractive arrangement, and percentage of pupils participating.
9. Specific classes for individual competition for all grade levels may be selected by the local fair board. Entries for special education students shall be under the Plan B system.
ONLY ENTER ONE EXHIBIT in each prize number.
Duplicate entries will be eliminated.
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2024 Calumet County Market Animal Sale
Fair entry and weigh in:
Beef: Thursday, 11:00 am
Swine: Thursday, 1:30 pm
Sheep and Market Goats: Thursday, 3:00 pm or immediately after Swine weigh in
Rabbits & Poultry: Thursday, 6:30-8:30 pm
No animals are allowed in the barn pens prior to being weighed in. Judging: Friday Judging: Friday Judging
Show Order: Swine (8:00 am); Beef (12:00 pm); Sheep (2:30 pm, following the beef show); Market Goats (Following Sheep Market Classes); Poultry: immediately following open class, approximately 1:00 pm Judging: Saturday - Rabbits (8:30 am)
- Entries open to Junior Fair exhibitors just completing grade 3-12 and one year beyond.
- All exhibitors are required to complete the “Market Animal Drug History Data Sheet” and submit to sale committee at Fair Weigh-In.
- All market animal exhibitors must complete and turn in a market animal project financial record to the Sale Committee. This form must be delivered to the Fair Secretary’s Office by 12:00 noon on Labor Day.
- Youth are expected to attend at least three educational meetings throughout the year. Youth for the Quality Care of Animals (YQCA) is a mandatory meeting; exhibitors must attend this meeting to sell an animal in the market animal sale. Participation in an educational event sponsored for youth such as FFA events, show camps, showing at district, state, or national shows, etc., qualify to replace a “county-sponsored” event. Members may not use more than two of these types of meetings to substitute for attendance at the regular county-advertised meetings. Attending a county market animal sale, watching a breed show or county fair show or attending a “dairy-related meeting” will qualify as a market animal educational meeting. Youth who do not attend at least two meetings will not be allowed to sell an animal in the Market Animal Sale at the Fair. Youth who do not attend three meetings will have $50.00 deducted from their settlement checks after the Fair. It is each individual’s responsibility to present proof of attendance or participation in “out-of-county” events to the Market Animal Sale Committee no later than pen set up (10 days before the fair), using the Calumet County Market Animal Participation Verification Form.
- Youth may not count more than one meeting that does not relate to the species they are exhibiting at the fair.
- Make entries on regular County Fair Entry Blanks under the respective classes.
- No exhibitors will be allowed to wear shorts or “beer shirts” while showing or selling their animal.
- Each exhibitor will be allowed to identify and/or weigh in up to three animals in each species.
- All market animal projects must be raised on the exhibitor’s premises and must be the result of the exhibitor’s labor unless approval is granted by the Market Animal Sale Committee at least 30 days prior to the initial identification/weigh-in for that species.
- An exhibitor may show all four large species (beef, sheep, swine, and market goat), but can only sell one large species. If more than one animal is shown, the exhibitor must, within one hour of the conclusion of the show, inform the Market Animal Sale Committee which animal will be sold. In the event that an exhibitor has exhibited the Champion or Reserve Champion in more than one species, that exhibitor will be allowed to sell more than one animal. An exhibitor may sell one large animal and one small animal (rabbit or poultry).
- All large market animals will be subject to ultrasound scanning and those measurements used to individual’s animals that are eliminated from the sale will be allowed to rescan (at the exhibitor’s discretion). The more advantageous of the two scans will be used to determine sale eligibility. Exhibitors who qualify to have animals rescanned at the fair and elect to do so will be required to pay for the cost of the second scanning.
- Animals will not be allowed to re-weigh.
- Youth who have sold a market animal in another county fair market animal sale within six months of the Calumet County Fair will not be allowed to sell an animal in the Calumet County Market Animal Sale.
- Specific requirements
a. Market Steers/Heifers
All market beef must be identified by submitting a photo with ear tag in the ear and an identification form filled out and sent by May 15th.
•Market beef only (beef, crossbred beef, dairy and dairy cross)
•1000-lb minimum weight for beef and beef cross.
•1100-lb minimum weight for dairy and dairy cross.
•Market beef must grade USDA Prime, Choice, or Select according to ultrasound measurements to be sold in the sale.
•Holstein market beef which grade prime or choice will be sold.
•Holstein market beef will be shown in a separate class from beef and beef cross market beef.
•Any market beef class in which more than nine animals are exhibited will be divided into two classes based on weight.
•Beef animals can only be groomed by the exhibitor, family member, 4-H or FFA advisor from the county.
•Exhibitors will not be paid for that part of the market beef’s weight that exceeds 1600 pounds.
b. Lambs
All lambs must be identified by submitting photo and identification form by May 15 of exhibit year. Wethers and ewes constitute market lambs. Lambs must have at least 44 percent boneless retail cuts according to ultrasound measurements to be sold in the sale.
•90-lb minimum weight at fair time for Cheviot and Southdown breeds
•100-lb minimum weight at fair time for all other breeds.
•Any market class in which more than 9 animals are exhibited will be divided into 2 classes based on weight.
c. Market Barrows/Gilts
All pigs must be identified by submitting photo and identification form by May 15 of exhibit year.
•Only animals that have a minimum weight of 240 pounds will be eligible for the sale. There is no maximum weight.
•Pigs will be divided into classes based on weight.
•Pigs must have at least 48.00 percent muscle according to ultrasound measurement to be sold in the sale.
•Swine exhibitors will not be paid for that part of their hog’s weight that exceeds 300 pounds.
•The on-site vet, judge, or Market Animal Committee can determine that a hog may be eliminated from the market animal show or sale due to excessive bruising and markings. This animal may be removed from the fairgrounds.
ci. Market Goats:
•Market goats must be identified by submitting photo and identification form by May 15 of exhibit year.
•Market goats will show after the market lamb classes.•Market goats must weigh a minimum of 50 pounds to sell at auction.
•All eligible market goats meeting minimum weight requirements can sell in the auction.
cii. Rabbit and Poultry
•All small market animals (rabbit and poultry) projects must be raised on the exhibitor’s premises and must be the result of the exhibitor’s labor unless approval is granted by the Small Animal Market Animal Committee at least 3 months before the fair.
•Poultry and rabbit exhibitors will need to select their exhibit animals prior to weigh-in at the fair. Extra animals will not be allowed to weigh in.
•An exhibitor may show in all Small Animal Market Classes, but may only sell one animal. If more than one animal is shown, the exhibitor must, within one hour of the conclusion of the show, inform the Market Animal Sale Committee which animal will be sold. In the event that an exhibitor has exhibited the Champion or Reserve Champion in more than one species, that exhibitor will be allowed to sell more than one animal. - The judge will select first, second, third and fourth place champion rankings for each species (Beef, Goat, Hog, Lamb, Poultry, Rabbit & Turkey).
- All Market Animal Exhibitors at the Calumet County Fair are encouraged to reserve a meat processing spot for their animal if they intend to sell at the Market Animal Sale.
- The sale will be conducted under the supervision of the Market Animal Sale Committee. There will be a five (5) percent commission on the gross sale of each animal plus $10.00 deducted from the selling price of each animal to promote and finance the meat animal sale, purchase equipment, and conduct overall educational programs.
- All market animals will be sold unless the Sale Committee is notified prior to the time the animal enters the sale ring.
- Sale order for beef, sheep, and swine will be determined within species by carcass ranking. The first three animals to sell in each species will be Grand Champion, Reserve Champion, and Bred and Owned Champion.
- Parents will not be allowed to place a bid on their own children’s animals, either on behalf of themselves or on the behalf of another party.
- Exhibitor only must accompany their animal for judging and in the sale ring. Emergency exceptions must be approved by the Market Animal Committee.
- All market animals will remain for the duration of the fair and exhibitors are responsible for the care of animals.
- No hay or bedding may be stored in barns.
- Exhibitors of the first place carcasses will be awarded $25 cash from the Market Animal Committee.
- The Market Animal Sale Committee will not be providing trucking to meat processors after the fair.
- All exhibitors selling in the Market Animal Sale will be required to write a thank-you card addressed to their buyer. This must be turned in to the fair office by 12:00 pm Monday of the fair. If the thank-you card is not turned in, the market animal committee will hold the exhibitor’s sale check until it is completed and turned in to the market animal committee president.